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The Eat for Endurance Podcast

I launched The Eat for Endurance Podcast in 2019 to inspire listeners in their own athletic journeys, and to demonstrate that there is no one-size-fits-all nutrition approach towards optimal health and performance. The podcast features Athlete Nutrition Profiles, aka the "nutrition stories" of recreational and professional athletes, and interviews with fellow sports dietitians on their areas of expertise, with the occasional solo episode thrown in. You can check out the full episode directory belowSubscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever else you enjoy your shows

The Eat for Endurance Podcast with Claire Shorenstein

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1. Leaving a 5-star rating and review wherever you listen, such as on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify.


2. Joining my Patreon community. Any amount is appreciated, but $6/month gets you TONS of perks like free merch, discounts on my services, and more.


3. Buying an Eat for Endurance hat & sticker


4. Shopping using my various brand affiliate links, or use this affiliate link to the Amazon homepage. You can also visit my Amazon storefront that features some of my favorite products

Would you like to be on the show, give feedback, or request a topic? Get in touch!

Disclaimer – All information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations. If you are interested in individualized nutrition coaching services, please reach out to Claire directly. 

Episode Show Notes

I'm in the process of moving all my episode show notes to this page. You can find my more recent episodes plus a sprinkling of some older posts below.

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