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How to Improve Body Image with Holley Samuel, MS RD CSSD

How to improve body image with Holley Samuel on the Eat for Endurance Podcast

In Episode 94 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, sports dietitian Holley Samuel, MS RD CSSD joins me to talk about how to improve body image among athletes. We chose this topic because so many of our clients and other athletes we interact with hyper focus on weight or other aspects of their physical appearance, either for performance and/or aesthetic reasons. 

Holley and I explore how to improve or at least neutralize your mindset when experiencing negative body image. This is important, as it allows you to embrace fueling yourself adequately and withstand the physical demands of training and of life. We also cover strategies that we use when we’ve helped an athlete eat, feel and perform better, but they still struggle with poor body image. 

We teach you how to improve body image by discussing:

  • Background on why so many people experience body dissatisfaction

  • How negative body image can play into underfueling among endurance athletes

  • How to navigate clothing when struggling with body image:

    • Certain pieces of clothing may fit differently from one season to the next, due to body changes and/or the clothing itself changing

    • Go through your wardrobe and get rid of things that no longer serve you

    • When trying on new clothes, focus on comfort first, mirror second

    • Don't forget accessories, nails, hair, body products, and other ways to express yourself and feel good

  • How to handle the scale and other wearables

  • How to shift your mindset:

    • Achieving a certain weight / appearance does NOT guarantee happiness

    • Aim to respect your body vs accept or love it

    • Practice and develop the skill of positive self-talk

    • Set boundaries for yourself and others (e.g. body checks, comments on food/body etc)

    • Sometimes therapy is needed

  • And much more!

Prioritizing health over physical appearance is crucial, especially if you hope to have longevity in your sport and other life activities. Please know that I understand how hard this can be. Body image struggles are very common, and I am not immune to any of this!

Our bodies are meant to change throughout our life, but this does not mean it's easy to accept these changes. Improving mindset is a skill that takes ongoing work to develop, and there are no quick fixes. I hope this episode helps you get started!

One last thing - Holley and I are not therapists. We frequently work on how to improve body image and mindset with our clients, but respect our scope of expertise. Please consider seeking mental health support if you are really struggling. 

Links & Announcements:

Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations

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