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Ep. 86: How to Manage Cortisol with Dana Eshelman, MS RD CSSD

Eat for Endurance Podcast Interview Cortisol Sports Dietitian Dana Eshelman

Welcome to Episode 86 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring fellow Sports Dietitian and endurance athlete Dana Eshelman (MS RD CSSD), founder of A Dash of Dana Performance Nutrition

Today, Dana and I are chatting about how to manage cortisol (aka "the stress hormone"), especially in endurance athletes. We chose this topic since we both frequently see our active clients burning the candle at both ends with training, work, family, and other aspects of their busy lives.

Athletes are often under fueling, whether intentionally or unintentionally, dealing with mental and physical stress, and not sleeping enough. This obviously does not produce good outcomes when it comes to health and performance, and one of the things that's affected often is cortisol.

If you’ve ever wondered how to manage cortisol or just wanted to learn more about this hormone, tune into this episode. I provide tons of background on how cortisol functions in the body, and then Dana and I dive into how and why things go off track and what you can do about it. 


Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations

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