Welcome to Episode 103 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring Sports Dietitian and endurance athlete Bob Seebohar, MS RD CSSD CSCS.
Bob came on the show about a year ago for Episode 81 on Metabolic Efficiency Training, and today we’re chatting about nutrition for teenage athletes. We both work with high school and collegiate athletes and thought it would be worthwhile to share our experiences as well as our professional expertise on this important and complex topic.
Bob and I explore nutrition for teenage athletes from many different angles, including:
How the nutrient needs of teenagers differ from those of adults
The impact of puberty on nutrition and athletic performance in both genders
The importance of prioritizing nutrition for brain development during this time of life (i.e. student first, athlete second)
How to keep over-scheduled teenagers well-nourished when juggling school, sports, family, social life, and other extracurricular activities
How peer pressure and school environment affect food choices
How to navigate the tricky world of social media
How to support teenagers through body image struggles, especially as their bodies change so frequently
Various fueling challenges that result from sports team or family dynamics
How lack of sleep impacts nutrition choices and what to do about it
Why teenagers need to gain some nutrition knowledge and skills before college
How parents can role model health-supporting eating behaviors and attitudes, teach key nutrition skills, and support their teenagers in other ways
And SO much more!
Whether you’re a current or future parent or a student athlete yourself, I hope you find this episode on nutrition for teenage athletes useful.
Links & Announcements:
Bob’s website: https://www.enrgperformance.com/
Watch this episode on my YouTube page
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Get in touch at claire@eatforendurance.com.
Music Credit: Joseph McDade
Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations
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